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Cub Scout Pack 145
(Edgemere, Maryland)
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Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 145

Cub Scout Pack 145
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge #4
9401 North Point Rd.
Baltimore, Maryland
Baltimore Area Council, BSA
Chesapeake District

Pack 145 has a rich history of teaching youth from kindergarten to fifth grade.  We are part of the Chesapeake District of the Baltimore Area Council, BSA.

Our main goal is to ensure that our Cub Scouts have fun, while learning valuable skills that will serve them throughout their lives! We do this by teaching our Scouts outdoor skills, sportsmanship, how to work with others, citizenship and more. 

To get the latest updates about what our pack is doing, visit and like our Facebook page: 

If you have any questions or would like to get more information about joining Cub Scouting, please click on the links above.